Tiny Homes, Tiny Mansions and the Rise of the Tiny Movement
With the rise of the tiny movement came a culture shock – suddenly not only was it acceptable to have the smallest house in your social circle; it was cool. Making home ownership affordable, improving energy efficiency and reducing a consume-first mentality quickly put tiny homes in the spotlight.
With less living area came the realization that many possessions were unnecessary and being kept only to collect and not for a purpose, revealing just how much additional income and expense could be saved.
Since it’s inception the tiny house has seen many variations, ranging in size from 150 to 400 square feet. Some are constructed to traditional standards and are placed on foundations, while others are built on wheels, purposed primarily for travel and mobility. The quality of construction can vary significantly as well, with some homes fabricated on site using a ‘stick-built’ approach.
Conversely, there are a number of tiny home manufacturers cutting costs by using lower quality materials, similar to mobile homes. There are exceptions to this rule, however, with a few builders producing permissible tiny homes that go on a foundation but that are assembled in a manufacturing environment.
Finding Space for a Family
One shortcoming of the thriving small dwelling community is the limitation in occupancy. While tiny homes can be more than adequate for an individual or even a couple, the thought of a family of 3 or 4 people living in a sub-400 square foot home is unappealing.
Privacy is in short supply, and space to store each persons possessions shorter. This leaves many families in a difficult situation, as existing homes are either larger than necessary or offer just enough space but fail to take into account the efficiencies that have been brought about with the tiny movement. With this in mind, we set out to find where our potential customers overlapped between ‘tiny’ and ‘small’.
So What is a Tiny Mansion?
A tiny mansion is a home between 500 and 800 square feet in size, with most providing the ingenuity of a micro-dwelling but offering all the creature comforts needed for a family. They are typically intended to be placed on a foundation and are constructed to the same quality of a traditional home.
With various use-cases in mind, we engineered 2 different layouts; one featuring a pair of bedrooms at one end of the home, while the other puts each bedroom at opposite ends. Though twice the size of our smallest home, quality still comes first, with included options such as granite counter tops and vaulted ceilings.

Tiny Mansion Specifications
- 14′ x 44′ – 616 square feet
- Two Bedrooms & One Bathroom
- Solid Wood Stick Built Construction
- Fits King-sized Bed
- Permissible Dwelling
- Tankless H2O Heater
For more information, see the FAQ “What is a Tiny Mansion?”.
Check out our video below to see an example of a tiny mansion.
Spending Your Money Wisely
A home purchase isn’t just a roof over your head; it’s an investment. In the case of most people, it is the single most expensive purchase they will make in their life time. With that in mind, it’s important to consider your options and the repercussions of each.
As children get older, the required area grows; while as time passes, the dwelling deteriorates. It isn’t uncommon to see a direct correlation in the longevity of a home to it’s price tag. Some may opt to trade quality for mobility, or affordability for quality. Though the argument of manufactured vs. stick-built homes has raged for roughly half a century, a tiny mansion can gain advantages from both, including a good value proposition when it comes to appreciation and both short and long-term savings overall.
At the end of the day, only you are positioned to make the best decision for your family when it comes to living accommodations. While the market continues to change and adapt, it is truly inspiring to see what creative solutions are produced. If you are looking for a tiny mansion that refuses to sacrifice on quality, however, we encourage you to explore the Model E and E2.